SOLAR RETURN / APO33 - Meeting and exchange – New music ensemble and composition
Friday 11th of August – 6pm – EMS, Conference Room

During their residency at EMS, Artists Jenny Pickett & Julien Ottavi (APO33) propose to open a space to exchange about research in new and experimental music with Swedish composers and musicians. Jenny and Julien will present their residency, APO33 and their approaches to composition followed by presentations from confirmed participants and an exchange with the audience.
Please feel free to join us and present your music and/or compositions.
To participate email :
jenny 1
more info:

EMS Stockholm has 2 places to give away to the course Experimental Composition & Performance with Eli Keszler at CAMP, april 4, 2018. 

CAMP is a residential arts centre in the French Pyrenees, operated by Fuse Art Space.

Saturday 13 May, 11.00-20.00, Free admission!
Don’t be afraid to build your own instruments any more!!!!
We will guide you through the whole thing and help you to make it right. Join us and choose your thing to build from Random*Source or Bastl
instruments and let us help you. Reserve your place at the workshop by sending email to stating kit you would like to
build so we can have enough prepared for you!
Do it Yourself Serge Eurorack Modular + Haible by Random*Source with Full Kits and building guidance by Dr. Wiener Serge Modular is a legendary
and incredibly inventive name in modular synthesis that has inspired hoards of modular and synthesizer manufactures in the years since it's inception.
Incredibly music, and incredibly practical, Serge is one of the most unique and distinguishable systems both in sound and use. 

Originally invented and developed in California as a "Synthesizer for the People" by Serge Tcherepnin, the system is now available in Eurorack and
original format from Random*Source under license and in cooperation with Serge. With the help of an experienced Serge Builder in the DIY workshop
you can now enter the Serge world and build a Serge module.

On Tuesday 25 October EMS is hosting a Live Streaming Concert + a Buchla synthesizer Lecture, curated by FFF Kyoka + Ueno Masaaki!

Artists: CoH (Special Guest, Raster-Noton / Editions Mego), Mats Lindström (Studio director of the EMS / Editions Mego), Daniel Araya (EMS Studio Engineer / Kontra-Musik), Mats Erlandsson (Posh Isolation), Sissel Wincent (Peder Mannerfelt), Maria Horn (xkatedral), Daniel M Karlsson.

12:00 – 17:00 (SWEDEN)
19:00 – 24:00 (JAPAN)

Follow on

Alla som är intresserade av att bygga, modifiera eller reparera syntar och andra (o)ljudslådor är varmt välkomna till oss för ett trevligt DIY-mingel!

Klockan 19-20 kommer Jon att lära ut grunderna i Eagle PCB CAD för de som själva vill designa kretskort.

Ta gärna med er egen dator med programmet installerat, demon kan laddas ner på
Efter lektionen kan ni ställa frågor angående kretskortsdesign och mjukvaran.

Ta gärna med egna byggen, scheman och skisser. Lödkolvar och vanliga verktyg finns att låna. Har ni några frågor så maila och märk mailet "DIY".

Vi har öppet mellan klockan 18.00 och 21.00 (OBS! till klockan NIO!) och adress är EMS, Söder Mälarstrand 61, Stockholm. Ingen föranmälan behövs.

IMG 3769 

Composer, artist and former EMS studio director Lars-Gunnar Bodin is a central figure in Swedish electroacoustic music. This years edition of Sound of Stockholm will celebrate his 80th birthday with a portrait concert and a two-day symposium featuring among others Sanne Krogh-Groth and Mats Lindström, the current studio director at EMS.

Find out more at

lars gunnar bodin 80 lowres

EMS guest composer Olivia Block will perform at Fylkingen on Friday October 16th as a part of ROOM40s 15th anniversary in Stockholm!

Since the turn of the century ROOM40 has operated out of Brisbane, Australia publishing more than 150 editions from artists all over the globe. The label celebrates its 15th anniversary with a series of events worldwide including Openframe Stockholm - three days of radical listening at Fylkingen and Audiorama.

For more information please visit

For tickets please visit

Room40 poster

This time we found a wrecked Russian synth (actually a string machine) that we collectively will attempt to fix!

Anyone who is interested in building, modifying or repairing synthesizers and other devices is very welcome to join us. Feel free to bring you own constructions, drawings, sketches etc. Soldering-irons and hand tools can be borrowed on location.

Any queries should be addressed to Write "DIY" in the subject line.

We are open between 18:00-21:00 Address: EMS, Söder Mälarstrand 61, near T-bana Mariatorget, Stockholm.
Here it is -The Electronica EM-25!

Nu finns en dokumentär om Ljudande Gotland av Eva Sjöstrand tillgänglig på Sveriges Radio P2!

Sveriges Radio skriver: 


Det är Visby Internationella Tonsättarcentrum som bjudit in fyra av vår tids ledande ljudkonstnärer att sommartid ljudsätta tillvaron på Gotland. Detta sker på fyra platser: vid Helgumannens fiskeläge på Fårö, i en lång, lång tunnel i en slagghög på ön Furillen, i den vackra botaniska trädgården i Visby och i den lika vackra trädgården och konsthallen vid Körsbärsgården i Sundre.

I dokumentären möter vi konstnärerna och deras verk, och bland besökarna en amerikansk ljudprofessor och en musikalisk trädgårdsmästare. Som med lyssnaren funderar över vad ljuden och frånvaro av ljud berättar för oss om tillvaron och om oss själva.


If you are a resident of the Nordic or Baltic region now is a great time to apply for an EMS residency for up to 10 days!

You need to apply for a residency at EMS, followed by an application for funding from the Mobility Support Programme from Nordic Culture Point.

To apply for a residency at EMS, please start by filling out this form:

The selection process for EMS residencies takes into account artistic merit as well as diversity and gender equality. Applications which fill these requirements will be premiered. In your application please state that you intend to apply for Mobility Support.

If you are accepted to the EMS residency program, we will supply you with a letter of invitation to attach to the Mobility Support application.

The next application period for Mobility Support from Nordic Culture Point starts on July 20th and is open until August 20th:

If your application to Nordic Culture Point is approved please contact us at EMS to schedule your residency!

Buchla generic


Kom till EMS torsdagen den 16/7!


Toncirkeln ska turnéra landet runt med en instrumentbyggarworkshop för barn och nu vill vi göra vår första testworkshop. Kom och hjälp oss undersöka! Workshopen är till för att bygga och spela musik med vardagliga objekt, egna byggen och färdiga byggen. Vi gör musik tillsammans och spelar ihop!


TID: 13:00-14:30 (inklusive fruktpaus)

PLATS: Elektronmusikstudion EMS, Söder Mälarstrand 61 (T-bana: Mariatorget)

ÅLDER: 8-12

10 platser, först till kvarn

OSA till

Toncirkeln image

Nu på tisdag den 2 juni arrangerar kursdeltagarna på Level 2 avslutningskonsert på Fylkingen med ny musik för flera högtalare.

Hjärtligt välkomna!


Vera Vinter
Patricio Cabezas
John Yngve Tängman
David Granström

Fritt inträde!

avslutningskonsert level 2