Cathy Lane is an artist, composer and academic. She works primarily in sound, combining oral history, archival recordings, spoken word and environmental recordings to investigate histories, environments, our collective and individual memories and the forces that shape them.

She is inspired by places or themes which are rooted in every day experience and particularly interested in ‘hidden histories’ and historical amnesia and how this can be investigated from
a feminist perspective through the medium of composed sound.

Books include:
Playing with Words: The Spoken Word in Artistic Practice
(RGAP, 2008) and, with Angus Carlyle, In the Field (Uniformbooks, 2013), a collection of interviews with
eighteen contemporary sound artists who use field recording
in their work.

On Listening (2013) a collection of commissioned essays
about some of the ways in which listening is used in
disciplines including anthropology, community activism, bioacoustics, conflict mediation and religious studies, music, ethnomusicology and field recording.  

Sound Arts Now (2021) is an exploration of contemporary
artistic practice and theories, and what contributes to or
hinders artistic and career development, conducted through
a series of interviews with artists and curators, putting the often-unheard voice of the maker at the centre of the discourse.

Cathy Lane is Professor of Sound Arts at University of the Arts London and directs Creative Research in Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP) a UAL research centre.

Cathy lane in performance