Nathaniel Mann

Nathaniel Mann is an experimental composer, performer and sound designer. He has written scores for London Contemporary Orchestra and BBC Scotland and his works have been performed by Ukraine's State Camera Orchestra "Kievskaya Kamerata". His Donkey Symphony (with Lara Baladi) won the Gran Nile Award at the Cairo Biannual 2008.

Nathaniel’s electroacoustic works often incorporate mutli-channel diffusion, including the use of Ambisonics, the creative applications of the technology was his chosen area as a researcher at Queen Mary University, London. His diverse works include object-led compositions and performances which often push the boundaries of musical practice, overlapping with instrument building and design, ethnography, folklore and storytelling. Notable projects include "Pigeon Whistles" for custom pigeon-flutes and 14 Birmingham Roller Pigeons and "Rough Music" for bespoke Bronze Meat Cleavers. He is well known for his live work within experimental trio Dead Rat Orchestra.